Tag Archives: Road trip

Road Trip Day 1: Nothin’ But Open Road

26 Jul

It’s finally here! The road trip my family has been planning for the last two months has officially begun.

We’re starting off the trip with the girls of the family, my mom, two sisters, and our puppy Ruby driving our RV through Chicago, up into Wisconsin for a quick pitstop/nap, then bringing her all the way to South Dakota in the morning to Mount Rushmore! The trip in total is 11 days, and I’ll be updating posts all along the way! :)
First up to the wheel is my mom, who is loving being the big guy on the road hence her enthusiastic honking the horn move.

I’m sitting in the co-captain chair and the girls are staying classy in the back!

We’ve even had an adventure so far. Pretty exciting. We have an empty car haul trailer in the back that had (notice the past tense) planks of wood attached to them. Ten minutes after leaving the planks were mysteriously gone and we were dragging ropes. We had to turn around and walk of shame the planks back to the RV. Told you it was riveting. That’s all the dirty deeds for now! Looking forward to nothing but open roads for the next 20 hours :)

10-4 good buddy. Over and out.